• Why You Should Consider Cremation As An Act Of Kindness

    When working on your own funeral pre-plan, you'll need to specify how you want your physical body taken care of. Your two choices are traditional burial of the body and cremation. More people are choosing cremation over traditional burial. While some make the choice to reduce the costs of the funeral or for convenience, people also see cremation as an act of kindness to the people they love and to the planet. [Read More]

  • How To Pay Tribute To A Pet On A Person's Headstone

    Some persons are truly "pet people". They live and breathe for their companion animals, ensuring that the pets have all their needs met even if the people have to do without some luxuries. When someone passes away who was all about their pet, it can be fitting to pay tribute to their canine or feline companion on the headstone. After all, a grave marker is your last chance to express who the person was to the world. [Read More]

  • How To Talk About Final Plans With Your Spouse (And How Not To)

    No matter how old you are or what the state of your health is, it's important to discuss death with your spouse. The inevitable happens to everyone at some point, and it's important for any married couple to be knowledgeable about each another's final wishes. Here's how to get the conversation started with your spouse. Speak from the Heart This is an emotional topic, and there's no point in even trying to keep the conversation casual. [Read More]

  • How To Honor A Person's Memory With A Donation To Charity – Even When You Don't Know Where To Donate

    Making a charitable donation in memory of someone who died is a thoughtful way to honor their memory and bring comfort to their survivors. When the family receives the notice from the charity, they'll not only be touched by your thoughtfulness but also by the fact that the person inspired you to make a donation. Knowing that the memory of the deceased is helping to do some good in the world can also help ease their grief, especially if the family has requested donations to a particular charity. [Read More]

  • 3 Common Responsibilities Of A Funeral Director

    Unfortunately, many people pass away each day and need to be taken care of. Thankfully, there are funeral homes, funeral services, and funeral directors there to help take care of them. A funeral director wears many hats and has several important responsibilities. This article will discuss 3 of the most common responsibilities that funeral directors have. Preparing The Body When someone passes away, there is generally going to be a viewing, followed by a funeral service. [Read More]

  • They Key Components To A Eulogy For A Cremation Service

    Giving a eulogy at a cremation service is a great way to serve the person who passed away. After all, you are giving a tribute to the life of a lost loved one, celebrating their life, and hopefully providing some comfort to your fellow mourners. Here are the key components to delivering a fitting eulogy that is likely to be helpful and well-received at the cremation service. Introduce the Loss [Read More]

  • Four Ways To Honor Your Loved One's Ashes

    When you have a loved one cremated, there are a variety of ways you can honor them with their ashes. Several different methods of containing and dispersing the remains are available, some of which may be less traditional than others. If you are considering cremation, either for yourself or someone you love, then consider some of the following ways to use the ashes in an honorable way. Decorative and symbolic urns: [Read More]

  • 3 Things To Know Before Buying A Headstone

    Planning a funeral for a loved one can be a very stressful event. It can be difficult to plan this type of event when you're experiencing your own grief and going through mourning. If your loved one expressed his or her wish for burial after death, you will need to think about getting a headstone for the grave. The following information will assist you in choosing the proper headstone: Understand the Different Types of Headstones [Read More]

  • How To Include A Child In The Cremation Service Of A Loved One

    Every parent wants to protect their children from the pain of the world, but the sad truth is that death touches the life of nearly every child sooner or later. If you need to include a child in the cremation service of a loved one, this is a burden that you don't have to face alone. There are some ways that you can include a child in the service without overwhelming the child or making other guests uncomfortable. [Read More]

  • How To Research And Choose The Right Cemetery For Your Funeral Pre-Planning Needs

    One of the important decisions you'll make when creating your funeral pre-plan is in which cemetery you wish to have your remains placed. Each cemetery has its own restrictions, so you'll need to do some research to find the right one to fulfill your final wishes. You'll also want to find a cemetery that will be easy for your family to work with after you have passed away. Here are some of the considerations you'll need to explore as you look for the best cemetery for your end-of-life needs. [Read More]