How To Pay Tribute To A Pet On A Person's Headstone

Posted on: 28 July 2016

Some persons are truly "pet people". They live and breathe for their companion animals, ensuring that the pets have all their needs met even if the people have to do without some luxuries. When someone passes away who was all about their pet, it can be fitting to pay tribute to their canine or feline companion on the headstone. After all, a grave marker is your last chance to express who the person was to the world. Consider the following ways of paying tribute to a pet on a loved one's headstone.

Include a Fun Description

Most headstones usually describe who a person was in terms of the role that they played to other people. You may find that headstones typically say "daughter, wife, mother" or "son, husband, father". At the end of the description of the roles that the deceased played, you may include "proud pet owner" or "pet parent". Not only is this fun, but it's a respectful way of paying tribute to the relationship between the deceased and their pet.

Choose a Quote About the Relationship Between Animals and People

There is another way of letting generations to come know that the person had a great passion for their pets. That is to choose a quote to place on the stone that speaks of the importance of the relationship between a person and an animal. Some ideas are as follows. If you decide to choose one of these suggestions, be sure to get the exact wording of the original quote.

  • The famous French novelist Colette once stated that the perfect companions of people never have fewer than four feet. (That would be paws, though!)
  • Anatole France explained that part of one's soul can only be awakened when a person loves an animal.
  • Jerry Seinfeld went so far as to joke that dogs are the planet's leaders.

Provide an Area for the Pet's Information

You may also provide an area of the headstone that pays direct tribute to a beloved pet. For example, you can have a heart shape as part of the stone, then include information of the pet only within the heart. If the pet preceded the person in death, you may even mark the pet's birth and death dates within the heart. Otherwise, you may simply wish to include the pet's name and a few words about the relationship between the person and the animal.

Finally, keep in mind that many cemeteries don't have a lot of restrictions on what is written on the gravestone. You're online limited by your imagination and your best judgment of what the deceased person would have wanted. Once you know what you want to include on your headstone, contact a company like Maurice Moore Memorials.
